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One time… It was all brand new


I’m inspired by Liniers and one of his illustrations to entitle today’s text since, a year ago, on November 26th, 2014, it was all brand new in my life.

3 months before…

It was in August when I took a crucial decision: I decided to quit my previous job. I had lived several days of intense emotional, physical and psychological weariness that had left me absolutely depleted and without any further strength to go on. I was unable to point out something wrong about a working environment that had opened many doors for my professional growth. It was just that I found myself on the verge of my limits; it was time to leave before it would turn into something more painful.

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Ansiedad, Autoestima, English

Embracing Anxiety

I’ve been trying to run back in time, searching through my memories, trying to get a glimpse of the exact moment in which I experienced anxiety for the first time. I think it was during sixth grade of school. I was twelve years old and the morning break was too long for me. I used to get easily bored during those recesses (I didn’t have many friends since we were only five classmates in total); therefore, I started eating to kill time. I asked  Clarita, the coffee shop owner, to hand me a pack of Chicky cookies and a Coke. Soon after, I asked for more. Two more. Four packs of cookies in total and I still wasn’t able to stop. I could feel my body screaming and begging for more, yearning for that weird feeling of being stuffed with chocolate until it couldn’t be fed with even one more crumble.

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